Servatrix Biomed

Innovative therapy for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH/ MASLD).
Our target: transcription factor NRF2.


About us

We are a biotechnology Spin-off of the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM),

Our mission is to improve the health of people affected by chronic diseases. Our current priority is to curb liver injury that arises in patients with severe fatty liver disease.

We are working on the pharmacological regulation of a protein that exerts multiple lines of protection against oxidative, inflammatory and metabolic stress. This protein is the transcription factor NRF2 (Nuclear factor erythroid 2 – related factor 2).

The disease

Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), also known as steatotic liver disease associated with metabolic dysfunction (MASLD), is characterized by the progression of fatty liver towards chronic inflammation, fibrosis and cirrhosis.  The main risk factors include obesity, type 2 diabetes and dyslipidemia.

Current pharmacological therapies are still little specific for NASH and the most promising are still under clinical evaluation.


The current failure of the pharmaceutical industry to find a cure for this disease indicates that tackling the factors that initially caused the disease is probably not an effective strategy. Our view is that secondary factors such as low-grade chronic inflammation and fibrosis participate in disease progression even after disappearance of the primary causative factors.

Servatrix is ​​developing new pharmacological compounds that activate NRF2 and challenge the factors that cause the progression of this disease at least at three levels:

The mild activation of NRF2, addressing many primary and secondary pathological mechanisms is suitable for the need for long-term therapeutic treatment, as it is the case for the continuous treatment of this chronic disease.

Our preclinical efficacy and safety studies in NASH are progressing towards approval of our lead compound as Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient that will be used in the first-in-human clinical trial.

Our innovative, patent-protected portfolio of mild NRF2 activators currently offers considerable potential for Servatrix to differentiate and create value.

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